There are so many marketing strategies for small business online out there these days that it’s enough to make you dizzy if you try to listen to every advertisement. The problem is that people who sell internet marketing systems are likely to be pushing something that doesn’t work for them! No wonder it’s so easy to get overwhelmed with the technology of today.
But what if there was a way to take just the meat and potatoes from the best of marketing strategies for small business?
Best Internet Marketing Tips to Make Money Online
The purpose of this post is to try to simplify what you actually need to get started in taking your business online.
Why taking your business online:
Because, now that the internet is a huge part of the average business, if you’re not taking your business online, you’re leaving a lot of money on the table! You’re apt to be left in the dust while your competitors ramp up past you with their own marketing communication strategy.
But no need to get overwhelmed yet…
I’m here to give you those meat and potatoes for the best internet marketing strategies for small business…
In actuality, you only need three things for taking your business services online to where you can allow the system to do most of the heavy lifting for you.
How to Run a Successful Business Online: What’s the Way of Success?
These are basically only three marketing strategies for small business online…
- Taking your business services online with a capture page –
This is also called a landing page because it’s what your visitor who’s searching for your service will initially land on. The purpose of the capture page is to compel your visitor to want to enter their email address; hence, you’ve just captured them as a new lead.
The main thing you need to remember about the capture page is that it must promise something.
Look at it from your visitor’s point of view; what would compel you to want to enter your email address for more information. A good example of this is to promise something for free – like a free educational video for more information.
- Taking your business online with a Sales page:
Ideally, this is a video that your new lead will be introduced to immediately upon entering their email information. The beauty of this is that, it’s all automated so your new lead will literally be listening to a sales presentation from you while you might be still sleeping!
- Taking your business online with an auto-responder:
On average, most people will need to be approached seven times before making a decision to purchase.
SEVEN times OMG!
Who on earth would want to be that much of a nag especially, those small businesses such as network marketing deals where you get all the work and NO training on how to promote your deal. Developing a marketing strategy is so much easier if you only need to do it once and then, let the system take over the bulk of the work for you.
The beauty of having an auto-responder is that you set it all up ahead of time with your personal messages.
People tend to want to buy from those who they know, like and trust. And it’s your continuous flow of emails with your pictures and videos that help them get to know who you are, whereby giving them the chance to grow into trusting relationship with you – even without having met you!
And that’s really all these is for in marketing strategies for small business online, except for the idea of funded proposal.
If you haven’t heard of this term before, thing of an internet marketing system that will automatically sell itself while you use this system for taking your business online, This is an idea adopted by millions of successful internet marketers because it costs money to market your business, and without a funded proposal, it’s likely that your funds for the business will be exhausted before you start to make any substantial profits.
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